Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chronic Cervical Radiculopathy

Chronic Cervical Radiculopathy are three words that you never want to hear your doctor say.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mercurial Jelly Bean

Another perfectly fine vector illustration rejected. Oh well...
I'm still not sure what the hell that thing is anyway.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jim Woodring is still my hero!

The one artist that has constantly been a source of inspiration for me is Jim Woodring.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Quizmaster 5000 TM a journey into the unknown.

Making the board

A confusion of wires

Hoops Laboratories electronics housing specialist
Ron prepares the base.

These Easter M@Ms containers work awesome
with these arcade buttons I ordered from Adafruit.
Just a few minutes at the stripping wheel
gets them all shiny.

The board is safely attached to the base.

Ron mounts the doomsday toggle switch.

The top housing is finally DONE!

Top and bottom, ready to be married.
(well... you know what I mean)

Piezo speakers are added for sound effects.

Shiny, shiny... no it is not a helmet.

Well if it was a helmet it would be pretty cool.

Solder, solder, solder, back at the lab.

You know these pictures were really important for
the building process. They were oh so handy
to refer back to when my grey matter
failed me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

You don't understand,These bridges are... COVERED!

What's the difference between an abandoned, crumbling, warehouse and a historical building?
If you answered "running water under it" you would be right!
This Campfire mug was designed for some lovely folks on the East Coast.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Quizmaster 5000 TM Prototype finished! and Rejected!

Quizmaster 5000 tm prototype

The guts
Oh what can a person do when his labors are in vain? Contemplate the wisdom of Solomon, "all is vanity"? I enjoyed this project so much that I would much rather keep it than let it get dusty in some closet somewhere. It has already been well used buy my children in a rousing game of "Adventure Time Trivia". 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Did you see these designs on beer mugs? I haven't.
It's frustrating to never see what your designs
look like on the finished product. 

Hoops Laboratories is up and running!

Now that we are up and running I thought it would best to post some of the projects that have come through in the last few months. The see-thru window concept for the American Natural History Museum in NYC has been approved and is in production at this very moment. The Quizmaster 5000© is finally finished and just needs some minor tweaks before delivery.  The Shocka Clocka© has run into a minor setback but the prototype is still on schedule.  Still on the back-burner is a pile of half-finished prototypes including - the switchblade Satanic Bible, the Solar-Powered Book light©, the Hoops Laboratories T-Shirt and Beard Poncho©.